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‘The Last Seven Days of Glacial Ice’, 2024. Photo by Joseph Nair, Memphis West Pictures. Image courtesy of the artist and Singapore Art Museum. © 2024 Olafur Eliasson  ‘Beauty’, 1993. Photo by Joseph Nair, Memphis West Pictures. Image courtesy of the artist and Singapore Art Museum. © 1993 Olafur Eliasson 3  ‘Circumstellar Resonator’, 2018. Photo by Joseph Nair, Memphis West Pictures. Image courtesy of the artist and Singapore Art Museum. © 2018 Olafur Eliasson


4  ‘Object Defined by Activity (then)’, 2009. Photo by Joseph Nair, Memphis West Pictures. Image courtesy of the artist and Singapore Art Museum. © 2009 Olafur Eliasson  ‘Symbiotic Seeing’, 2020. Photo by Joseph Nair, Memphis West Pictures. Image courtesy of the artist and Singapore Art Museum. © 2020 Olafur Eliasson  ‘The Glacier Melt Series 1999/2019’, 2019. Photo by Joseph Nair, Memphis West Pictures. Image courtesy of the artist and Singapore Art Museum. © 2019 Olafur Eliasson


Olafur Eliasson: Your Curious Journey

Singapore Art Museum

ũ ̼ ۰ ö ƽ ΰ ν, տ Ű ġ ǰ ϴ. Ư ״ ɰ ˸ ۾ ȭθ , 2019 ߰ȹ ģ Ӹƴ. ö ƽ ƽþ Ը 9 22ϱ . ̰ Ʈ Ŭ, Ÿ̺, īŸ, Ҷ 3⿡ ģ ȸ Ǿ ִ. ǰ ̵ϴ Ϻδ. ۰ źҹڱ ̱ ġ Ŀ ȭ ߴµ, ǰ ϰų Ḧ Ͽ Ÿ ּȭ ̴. ڿ ġ ġ ̵ θ ν ߻ ׸. ‘The Last Seven Days of Glacial Ice’ ̽ ϰ ðȭ ǰ̴. ۾ û Ŀ ¦ ̷ ش.





‘2.5C(Xenophobic Albedo)’, 2019, Powdered milk; American, British, and Russian flags(nylon); epoxy; polyurethane; fiberglass; door hardware; wood; house paint; and steel, 214×89.54×16.51cm. Courtesy of the artist; 47 Canal, New York; and Lisson Gallery. © Josh Kline. Photo by Joerg Lohse  ‘Domestic Fragility Meltdown(detail)’, 2019, Powder-coated steel frame, epoxy resin(countertop), stainless steel, heating panels, soy wax, pigment, plastic, bucket, and liner, 97.16×100.33×100.33cm. Courtesy of the artist; 47 Canal, New York; and Lisson Gallery. © Josh Kline. Photo by Joerg Lohse 3  ‘Adaptation(still)’, 2019~22, 16mm film(color, sound), 10:45min. Courtesy of the artist; 47 Canal, New York; and Lisson Gallery. © Josh Kline  ‘Capture and Sequestration: Cigarettes(still)’, 2023, Single-channel highdefinition video(color, sound), 13:31min. © Josh Kline


Josh Kline: Climate Change
The Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles

뵿 踦 Žؿ ʸɰ ̱ ƼƮ Ŭ. ״ ȭ ڵȭ, ȸ Ȯ , , , ġ ǰ ǥߴ. LA ̼ 5Ⱓ ۰ ȭ ۾ ǰ ѵ 2025 1 5ϱ Ѵ. ø ıǴ ´ ̷ Ѵ. , ġ, ǰ Ǿ ̷ . Ƴ, 뵿ڵ Ʈ ϸ ϰ, ư ɿ ӱ ȣ Ȱ δ. Ư ũ ġ ‘Personal Responsibility’ Ʈ dz Ű ƺ Ѵ. ⸦ ġ ǰ ‘Deep Fragility’ ø ȭ ģ 踦 巯. ð 帣 ȭϴ Ḧ Ȱ ȭϴ ս ۾̱⵵ ϴٰ. 




‘To the End of the World’ © ROM  ‘On the Bat Trail’ © ROM  ‘Going Underground’ © ROM


Earth: An Immersive Journey
Royal Ontario Museum

İ , ڿ dz ٸ 츮 ⸦ ǰѴ. 帶 ȣ찡 ų, ̻ ̸ ߸ ʳ. ı η ׸ ٷ Ǫ ڿ ڸϴ. ij ο Ÿ <: > ° ϴ ô. ô ټ ȴ. ƹ ú ϴ 츲, 㰡 ƴٴϴ ´ , ׸, δ Ȱϴ Ʒ , ° ƴٴϴ ʿ, ׸ Ŀ ϴ ϱ̴. 8K ػ ʰȭ ǰ ̰, ⸦ û İ ڱѴ. ΰ ڿ Ƹٿ ϸ 츮 밡 ȯ濡 󸶳 ġ ִ. 2025 1 12ϱ.




Edith Payer, ‘Pieta`’, 2024, Fake plants, mixed materials, dimensions variable. Photo: Seowon Nam. Courtesy of Art Sonje Center. © 2024 Art Sonje Center all rights reserved 2  Katrin Stro¨bel, ‘Ile de Gore´e’, 2011, Digital printing(drawing), 2 fans, 286×380cm. © Katrin Stro¨bel Jongwan Jang, ‘I Prefer White Wine’, 2024, Acrylic gouache, color pencil on Korean paper, 194×259.2cm. © Jongwan Jang


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޾ ¡ϴ , ڼ ǥ̴. ϸ ڼ ƿ 븦 ϴ , Ĺ к ָ ϴ Ȱƴ. 8 4ϱ <ǰ ڼ> ڼ ¡ Ĺǿ ȯ湮, Ƿ ŽѴ. Ʈƿ ڿ ø մ ° , ۰ 6 ѱ ۰ Ź, Ӱ ٸ Ѵ. ׸Ʈ ‘˷ 뵿’ ص Ĺ Ƽ ӷϰ ߴ. Ź 1968 ǵ ȹ ĵǾ ̸ 1980 ó ٽ Ÿ Ѱ 㼶 縦 Ҵ. dz ٶ ޷̴ īƮ Ʈں ġ ǰ̴. ڼ þ dz ȭӰ δ. ǰ 15~17 뿹 ߽ װ ̴. ڼ, ڴ ٶ 鸱 ʴ´. η Ȳϰ  ڿ ϴٴ ϵ. 




ָ , <߻äڵ>, 2022, 64, Foragers_JM_Old Akbara 2  Ŭ н, < >, 2022, 103  ٷ ŧ&뿤 ġ, < >, 2010, 112


ڿ ΰ: θǽ ȣ

̼ MMCA ʸغ 2024 ð ̴. α׷ ϴ ‘ ’. <ڿ ΰ: θǽ ȣ> ڿ ΰ 迡 ָ ۰ 8 ǰ Ѵ. ǰ ΰ ڿ 踦 ƺ. Ŭ н < > ij ̺ ӹ װ Žϴ ȯ Ŀ ť͸. ǰ ӿ ڿ ΰ ϰ ϰ ȭӴ. ٶ ʰ θ ޾Ƶ̴ ̴. ݸ ں ٴٿ ȭ ť͸ < > ΰ ڿ ıϰ ϴ ü. ߻ ĿĹ ã ä ϴ ѷ <߻äڵ> ÿ δ. 谡 ׷ϵ ǰ ϰ ʴ. ΰ Ϲ ڿ ıϴ ѷϴ. 8 9Ϻ 24ϱ ‘ ƺ’ Ǹ, Ȩ ϴ. 










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